Gratuity Where Gratuities Due

Each month and I suppose we could say each day, someone, somewhere provides us with an opportunity to celebrate. Now isn’t that a noble thing to do?

So, for the sake of keeping the vibes of our pharmacy in good shape, we decided to join in the celebration of ‘World Gratitude Day’ this month by making a list of the things we were grateful for. Also, may we also say that we set ourselves up with a task of using only three words per day to do it – alas, isn’t it considered a holy number?

So, for the sake of sharing, celebrating, inspiring and living well together, here it is, our holy list.

We are grateful for…..

Serving each day
Customers that play,
Barcelona street tiles
Walking for miles,
Eating with passion
Love and compassion,
Our friendly team
Offers to redeem,
Running down hill
Standing very still,
Making cosmetic pots
Drinking cacao shots,
Thanks and please
Plants and trees,
Food well done
Bathing with sun,
Samples and testers
Clowns and jesters,
Searching for stars
Vegan food bars,
Conditioner and shampoo
Dinner for two,
Rivers and beaches
Bananas and peaches,
Our pharmacy doors
Rounds of applause,
Golden face mask
Customers that ask,
Om’s and amen’s
That’s where it ends.

We wish you well for the coming autumn season.

Your team at Farmacia Barcelona

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