A pilgrimage into the unknown

What does it mean to be spiritual? What does it mean to be connected with your own ways? And what does it mean to look at yourself just as you’re about to set off on a pilgrimage into the unknown? I’ll tell you what it means to me. It means that I’m going to pack…

A Poem From the Barcelona Beach

When the sun is sweltering She invites us to jump in, When we can’t stop flapping She jokes and keeps splashing. When our pastries join on She feeds us her sand song, When we bare no more thirst She frames the way as headfirst. When we tell her our secrets She says they have a…

Walk this way for our great offers on display

There is a particular question that I’ve been faced with in recent months, and that is, ‘to have or to be?’ While I look around the glory of my home, each and every item that rests in its place has a special reminder of what it means to simply be. To be the friend, to…

We hold hands for International Women’s Day

I’m snowed in and I feel like Im part of the book from Stephen King. If you don’t know him, he is a real King where story telling comes in. He titles the book Misery. But what a tripe destiny to be the one that is not free. The plot thickens as the main character…

Holly dolly toys with a selection of our essential oils

We call her Holly dolly. She sees us as we fall down like the rain and rise back up again. She looks at us puzzled as we try to earn and gain. And she can’t stand it when she feels like she’s in a chain. But with Holly dolly there is no blame or shame….

Project your love somewhere swell this Valentine’s day

Shocked and in awe of Alfred Hayes, author of 1954’s book ‘In Love’, I was inspired by his ability to efficiently describe his soul’s desire into a short love story. By way of his projections onto his lover, and following, his blank canvas, I recognised in myself some of the mysteries of the mind of…

A healing kind of poison

Have you ever felt like things have a very mysterious air about them? You drop by a coffee shop and meet a man that sweeps you off your feet when you need it the most? You receive an unexpected cheque in the post when you are desperate to fund your life long dream? You receive…

Local interviews – Tori's story of self-love

The New Year is here and we are pleased to be joined by Health Coach Tori Peel-Yates who will set us straight for the year ahead. She helps each and every one of her clients achieve their goals with her skilled background and experience in nutrition, fitness, yoga and meditation. We were truly honoured to…

We wish you freedom and courage for 2018

Just like a new leaf in the book of life, 2017 has been read. And for me, Anneka, the author of this blog, it really was the most mesmerizing page in my own book of life. Far from being boring, my book had nothing to do with successes and riches of the material kind. It…

All that glitters is not gold

Seeing the glory of the Christmas tree occupy the once empty corner of my living room, I look at her through the eyes of a child that once was. The child that falls in love with the flickering lights that reflect and canvass the surrounding walls. The child that is comforted by the delicate touch…

Channel the Christmas spirit

The age old tradition of Christmas is ever changing, ever evolving and ever present in our lives. But what exactly is the Christmas spirit? Yet to receive a satisfying answer, I set out to ponder the question myself. And so, sat with the delicate Christmas tunes that season my home, my mind sits ajar as…

Our feet need our love so take good care of them

The feet are the ones to think about when we need to take good care of ourselves. They are the ones that take you to the real place of love. They are the ones that are your soul. They are the ones that know where you want to go. They are the ones that understand…